Hi, Hard to discuss your question without knowing more details: * Does your substrate have a blanket SiO2 surface, or are you trying for bare Si? I'm assuming SiO2 since you're only doing a piranha clean and not a full RCA clean (or even an HF dip). * How thick is your SU-8 coating? * Which SU-8 series are you using (original, 2000, or 3000)? * Are you allowing any delay between your O2 plasma treatment (which will function as a dehydration bake), spinning the adhesion promoter, and spinning the SU-8? Keep in mind that any delay may allow rehydration of the wafer surface, negating the effect of the HMDS. * What is the ambient humidity in your facility, and is it well controlled? I've seen some suggestions that the softbake time/ramp/temperature can also affect adhesion, primarily by the mechanism of differential thermal stress as compared with Si/SiO2, but without more knowledge, I'd tend to look more closely at the surface priming process first. In general, SU-8 has poor adhesion to SiO2. HMDS priming (such as MCC primer) can improve that, but I've read lots of mixed results with it. After talking to MicroChem's SU-8 support experts, I switched to MicroChem's "OmniCoat", which is a combination adhesion and lift-off layer. It requires some extra processing steps (bake and develop) and requires you to account for its thickness in your final structure, but has the advantage of allowing one to lift off even hard- baked SU-8 in solvent. There are also some tips on SU-8 adhesion on this web page (including notes on using an HMDS primer): http://memscyclopedia.org/su8.html Good luck, Mike On Apr 4, 2011, at 23:10, 첸로 wrote: > I am using su-8 in photolithography technique. I'm having difficulty when handling it. > > The adhesion strength of su-8 and silicon is not very even. I clean the silicon wafer in piranha solution, give it a oxygen plasma treatment and use the Mcc primer (microchem). > After 1.5 minutes developing some patterns will peel off. M mask dimension is only 10microns. > > Has anybody encountered this problem? > > Is the adhesion strength decided by the softbake time or post bake time or both? > Should I increase the baking time for both?