Hi, Brad Thanks for the suggestion. I have sent a request to make quartz mask and hope to see an improvement of alignment accuracy. Regarding the pressure, I use the vacuum contact mode, which apply a -0.6atm pressure to the chunk against the mask. The wafer size is 1cmX1cm (I think the effect of pressure also depend on wafer size, for larger wafers, the press force will be more spread out, can cause less bowing). I am wondering is the pressure too big under my condition according to your experience? Thanks, Wei On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Brad Cantoswrote: > > Hi Wei, > > The lenses won't be a problem with a contact aligner. I had this same experience many years ago with the MJB3, and switching to quartz masks helped quite a bit. Of course, it depends on how critical your alignment is, and how much temperature variation your masks, wafers and cleanroom experience. Another possible cause is the pressure placed on the mask when the wafer is brought into contact. If the pressure is too high (check the specs), the mask could bow considerably, causing this problem. > > Brad -- Wei Tang Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UCLA Cell: 310-357-0158 Website: http://tangweipku.googlepages.com