Dear All, I'm trying to use DRIE made silicon mold for hot-embossing. I think there are two potential problems: 1. Straight or undercut sidewall will make de-molding process in hot-emboss difficult. I need to get 1 to 2 degree tapered side wall. Any good receipt for Bosch process developed in Alcatel AMS 100? 2. *Scalloped* sidewall from Bosch process may prevent the plastic parts de-molded from silicon mold. It seems a TMAH etching will smooth the surface. Anyone has receipt or anyone can access this paper? Many Thanks! _______________________________________________ Hosted by the MEMS and Nanotechnology Exchange, the country's leading provider of MEMS and Nanotechnology design and fabrication services. Visit us at Want to advertise to this community? See To unsubscribe: