We have a problem about gold wire Ball bonding process of BCB-Sio2-Gold pad : (Bonding machine:Gold Wire Automatic ball bonding 130KHz;Wire diameter 0.7mil Pad size 60um ) We use BCB layer for our device to lower the capcitator. The structure of layer is BCB 2um--SiO2 0.5um---Ti/Pt/Au 0.7um. But the SiO2 layer is always peeled off from BCB layer when gold wire bonding even we adjust many parameter.The SiO2 layer is broken at the gold bump edge when we do pulling test or bonding process. There are always some bad part even we use the best one set parameter. And the parameters isn't stable for diffrent wafer. Do you have any advise? Thanks. Zhang Zhenfeng _______________________________________________ Hosted by the MEMS and Nanotechnology Exchange, the country's leading provider of MEMS and Nanotechnology design and fabrication services. Visit us at http://www.mems-exchange.org Want to advertise to this community? See http://www.memsnet.org To unsubscribe: http://mail.mems-exchange.org/mailman/listinfo/mems-talk