We're interested in some silicon wafers with orientation <110>. (150mm or 200mm diameter would be fine.) Can anyone recommend a good source? -- Justin M. Hannigan, Ph.D. Process Development Engineer LightSmyth Technologies,Inc. 875 Wilson St, Unit C Eugene, OR 97402 Tel: 541-431-0026 www.lightsmyth.com !DSPAM:5202f976241931304452542! _______________________________________________ Hosted by the MEMS and Nanotechnology Exchange, the country's leading provider of MEMS and Nanotechnology design and fabrication services. Visit us at http://www.mems-exchange.org Want to advertise to this community? See http://www.memsnet.org To unsubscribe: http://mail.mems-exchange.org/mailman/listinfo/mems-talk