I do not know what is for sale, but have seen alot of clips in the R&D areas. I have found the Sandia Site useful, for getting the basic points and possibilities across (mechanical primarily). The MIT.BAMs groups work on the MEMs turbine may be especially useful for you. One could develope quite a few lectures on these short clips. Sam "Dr. Nagy Nosseir" wrote: > > Hi, > > I am a professor of Aerospace Engineering. I am planning a course on MEMS > for next Fall. I would like to purchase MEMS videos (showing different > devices and their operation). Can you help ? > > Thanks. > > -- Samuel E. Riffle sriffle@ieee.org 401-861-5219 Fax 861-3314 SSRG http://home.earthlink.net/~sriffle/ssrg/ 563 Hope ST, Providence, RI 02906-2603