Hey Bee Lee, Are you sure you should be using square waves. It will give you higher harmonics. Try sine waves first. It may help. regards, David > -----Original Message----- > From: Chua Bee Lee [SMTP:eng50250@leonis.nus.edu.sg] > Sent: Thursday, February 11, 1999 9:35 PM > To: MEMS@ISI.EDU > Subject: Multiple Resonance Frequencies > > Dear All, > I have been working on folded beams resonators using square waves > to drive them. As I adjusted the driving frequency towards the resonance > value, I observed resonance at smaller amplitudes at lower frequencies > prior to the one that I was expecting. I would appreciate if someone can > provide some insight on that. > > Thank you. > CHUA Bee Lee > Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering > National University of Singapore > >