Mark: For XeF2 enhanced etching capabilities. We currently have that capability in house and have installed the XeF2 gas injection system on our FIB system. If you need more information on this issue please let me know. Regards Jayant ****************************************************************** Jayant Neogi Vice President & Chief Technical Officer Norsam Technologies Ph# (503) 640-0586 Fax# (503) 640-8117 ****************************************************************** -----Original Message----- From: Mark BachmanTo: MEMS@ISI.EDU Date: Sunday, February 21, 1999 11:25 PM Subject: Supplier of XeF2 etching equipment? >Dear MEMS group, > >We would like to do some Xenon Diflouride etching on silicon. Before we >build an etching station from scratch, I wonder if anyone knows of a >manufacturer or vendor who supplies such a station. > >Any help will be appreciated. > >-Mark Bachman. > >-------------------------------------------- >Mark Bachman, Ph.D. > / 949-824-6421 (-3732 fax) >Research Physicist, Microsystems Engineering >University of California at Irvine > > > >