Jerry: If you are considering to generate sub-micron or few micron wide channels on glass substrates have you thought about using FIB's. One can obtain very high aspect ratio (1:100) and high precision channels (smallest channels width that can obtained is 7 nm) using this technique. We at Norsam Technologies are currently working on refining this technique. Let me know if you need more information on this technique. Thank you and you can reach me at 503-640-0586. Regards Jayant ****************************************************************** Jayant Neogi Vice President & Chief Technical Officer Norsam Technologies Ph# (503) 640-0586 Fax# (503) 640-8117 ****************************************************************** -----Original Message----- From: Jia-Hong LeeTo: MEMS@ISI.EDU Date: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 2:12 PM Subject: Etching Mask for BSG(Corning 7740)? > >hi, Everybody: > I am trying to etch microchannel on glass (borosilicate glass,7740), >but, lack of the support to do LPCVD poly-silicon on glass, the only subsitution >I know is Cr/Au, but I really don't know if it can resist deept etching for me, >about 320 mu m... > Besides, I don't know if amorphous silicon can resist to HF etching, >I want to do deep etching, so I will use HF about 48% solution... > Any suggestions will be granted! I will appreciate.. > > Thanks a lot, > Sincerely > >Jerry Lee >Insitute of Applied Mechanics >email: / > > >