Hua-Tang, you might ask Heidenhain company In Europe, the are one of the best manufacturers of gratings. As far as I know, 10 years ago, the were developing interference gratings with smallest pitches. > Hi, > This is my first message in the group discussion. How's > everybody? > > I have some questions about the grating mask, which is a mask whose > pattern is containing at least 10,000 lines/mm. Does anyone have > information about who can fabricate this kind of mask? What is the > highest frequency can be made and how much does it cost? Is it > possible to have cross lines or circular dots instead? Thank you for > your information. > Yours sincerely, Kai Hiltmann K. Hiltmann c.o. HSG-IMIT Sensorics Section W.-Schickard-Str. 10 D-78052 Villingen-Schwenningen Phone ++49-7721-943-132 Fax ++49-7721-943-210