Members of the MEMS Community who are funded by the U.S. Federal Government may wish to supply information to the ESC Navigator described below. The action takes about 5 min to respond. Regards, Peter Will TO PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS OF FEDERALLY-FUNDED ELECTRONICS R&D PROGRAMS: The Electronics Subcommittee, established by the Civilian Industrial Technology Committee under the President's National Science and Technology Council, has developed the ESC NAVIGATOR, a tool to inventory and search federally-funded research and development programs in electronics. Located on the Internet's World Wide Web, the NAVIGATOR directs the user to places on the WWW that host information on federally-funded electronics programs. The NAVIGATOR searches for programs by keyword, agency, electronic concept, and industry taxonomies. The NAVIGATOR seeks to serve the US electronics community in three predominant ways: 1. Informs you of WHO IS DOING WHAT in electronics R&D 2. Allows COORDINATED R&D EFFORTS among government and the private sector 3. Notifies the electronics community of TECHNOLOGY BREAKTHROUGHS and INTERESTING RESEARCH The NAVIGATOR is accessed on the Internet by a World Wide Web browser on the ESC Homepage at If you are currently working on an electronics research and development project that is funded by the United States Government, the Electronics Subcommittee requests that you submit to the NAVIGATOR the following minimal information: 1. Program Name 2. Sponsoring Agency 3. URL Address/Point of Contact 4. Brief description of program using predefined criteria This program information can be added on-line at this address: This will take about 5 minutes. If your program is not currently on the World Wide Web, or you do not have access to a Web browser, contact: Sharon Leaman ESC Inventory Working Group System Planning Corporation 1429 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22207 (703) 351-8518 Thank you.