durusmail: mems-talk: Re: Supplier of XeF2 etching equipment?
Re: Supplier of XeF2 etching equipment?
Re: Supplier of XeF2 etching equipment?
Xing Yang
I believe STS (www.stsystems.com) and Xetch (www.xetch.com) make
(or are trying to make) some XeF2 etching systems.

Xing Yang

Xing Yang, Ph.D.          3906 Trust Way
Senior Scientist          Hayward, CA 94545-3716
ACLARA BioSciences, Inc.  (510)293-1855 ext. 136
http://www.aclara.com     (510)293-1858 (Fax)

> Dear MEMS group,
> We would like to do some Xenon Diflouride etching on silicon. Before we
> build an etching station from scratch, I wonder if anyone knows of a
> manufacturer or vendor who supplies such a station.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> -Mark Bachman.
> --------------------------------------------
> Mark Bachman, Ph.D.
> mbachman@uci.edu / 949-824-6421 (-3732 fax)
> Research Physicist, Microsystems Engineering
> University of California at Irvine
