durusmail: mems-talk: asking advice about bonding!!
asking advice about bonding!!
asking advice about bonding!!

i'm working on my thesis about solar cells on IMEC (research center in
Leuven, Belgium). But i'm stuck in a specific problem, and i'm looking
for tips and advice to solve the problem.

Problem: i can't bond a silicon wafer to a alumina-substrate(AL2O3

I've done some experiments without any success.
Review of experiments:
    A/ high temperature (1000°C), short bonding time (6 hours), the
bonding was          surrounded by N2-gas.
        surface conditions of the wafer and substrate:
            1. both surfaces are dry
            2. both surfaces are dry and covered by a nitride layer
            3. both surfaces are wet and covered by a nitride layer
            4. both surfaces are wet and covered by an undoped pyrox

    B/  low temp (200°C) , long time (26 hours), the bonding was
surrounded by N2-gas.
        1. both surfaces are wet and covered by a nitride layer
        2. both surfaces are wet and covered by a doped pyrox (normally
the pyrox has to become viscose)

Some questions:
+Is there anybody who has some experience with the bonding topics or
somebody who's got usefull information?
+ are there logical explanations why the experiments failed and this on
the base of chemical or physical properties of the materials?
+Do you have some suggestions for other experiments (use of other values

for the parametres (temp, duration, surrounding gas, .......))?
+Can you recommand some people or specific lecture related to the
bonding problem?

All tips and advice are welcome!
Thanx a lot.
Studentical greetings.

Stijn Lenaerts
    student 'engineer in micro-electronics', KULeuven Belgium
    thesisstudent on IMEC

    steengroevenlaan 5/5/0
    3001 Heverlee
    +32 16 20.65.29

Is there anybody who has some experience with the bonding topics or
somebody who's got usefull information? All information and tips are

Thanx a lot.

University KULeuven (belgium)
