>Limitation is around 20 um (although smaller than 50 um is tough), >when contact aligner (i.e., 1:1) is used for litho. >>Prof. CJ Kim I agree that the resolution below 25um is difficult. But, it depends on what type of linotronic printer the DTP office use. Typically any popular DTP uses 2540 DPI, there are machines that produce 3386 DPI and there is one in the market that offers >4000DPI resolution. Since 2540 DPI is wanted by the regular DTP customers, atleast in Vancouver, the cost of producing that output is the cheapest. We have tried with 3386 and We have successfully produced 10 um feature size with +or- 3um error in alignment accuracy between one end of a wafer to other end (4"). But the cost of producing a 3386 DPI sheet to the resolution we get is not worth the money. There is one other factor, that is what type of environment one has to transfer the pattern onto the glass plate. If the dark-room in which the printing is done to produce the plates is not very clean then there will be lots of dust marks etc that would ruin the quality of plate. Ash