You can use an Ultra sonic cutter to precisely cut 10mm circular disk and this technique works great. Folks have been using this technique to generate TEM samples. If you want to keep the dies together you can bond the glass substrate to a thick resist sheet and after the dicing process dissolve the resist in acetone. Let me know if you have any other questions. Jayant ************************************************* Jayant Neogi Vice President & Chief Technical Officer Norsam Technologies Inc. Ph# (503) 640-0586 Fax (503) 640-8117 ************************************************* -----Original Message----- From: John D. EvansTo: MEMS@ISI.EDU Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 1:08 AM Subject: Dicing into circular quartz dice > >MEMS Community, > >I am interested in dicing up a 500 um quartz wafer into circular dice, >roughly 10 mm diameter. I have two questions: > >1) What technologies and companies are available to do the cutting >(preferably in California)? > >2) How do you hold the wafer and dice during cutting? If you hold the wafer >only, then the circular parts will fall into the cutting stream/beam and >get damaged. Is there a way to hold the individual dice? Is there a >substrate that doesn't get cut that you can "glue" to both the wafer and dice? > >Any suggestions appreciated. > >Thanks, > >John D. Evans >Silicon Waterworks > >