durusmail: mems-talk: Re: RF MEMS Activity
Re: RF MEMS Activity
Re: RF MEMS Activity
> Anyone know of survey papers that cover the range of current activity under
> the RF MEMS umbrella?
> Jim O.
There is a general survey with the topic of "Micromachined devices for wireless
communications" in Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.86,No.8(1998) 1756~1768. There
are also some specific surveys on specialized topics such as "RF-MEMS switches
for reconfigurable integrated circuits" in IEEE Tran. on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, Vol.46, No.11(1998) 1868~1880. Other surveys are not at my hand, if
you interested in them, I may help you to find them.

Liu Jing
Ph.D. candidate
Institute of Microelectronics
Tsinghua University
Beijing, P.R.China(100084)

