Hello MEMS Community, We are a supplier of Quartz wafers and can supply 500um thick 10mm wafers. However to have them cut in this manner is difficult and very expensive. There are two ways that I am familiar with accomplishing circular dicing. #1.) Cutting Wheel: This method will require the wafer to be held in place and re polishing after cutting due to chuck marks. #2.) Laser cutting: Since a Quartz wafer is transparent the Laser has a very difficult time reading the wafer. This makes this process very difficult and also expensive to do. I hope this offers some useful information for you. Best regards, At 09:49 AM 4/23/99 -0700, John D. Evans wrote: > >MEMS Community, > >I am interested in dicing up a 500 um quartz wafer into circular dice, >roughly 10 mm diameter. I have two questions: > >1) What technologies and companies are available to do the cutting >(preferably in California)? > >2) How do you hold the wafer and dice during cutting? If you hold the wafer >only, then the circular parts will fall into the cutting stream/beam and >get damaged. Is there a way to hold the individual dice? Is there a >substrate that doesn't get cut that you can "glue" to both the wafer and dice? > >Any suggestions appreciated. > >Thanks, > >John D. Evans >Silicon Waterworks > > > Roger Neef Silicon Valley Microelectronics, Inc. North America Wafer Division Tel: 408-436-2351 Fax: 408-436-8402 WWW.SVMI.COM