Hello again. I am looking for suppliers of pattern generators/laser photoplotters for making masks. The specifications we are looking for are: 1) 5" x 5" masks 2) Near 1 um minimum feature size 3) This being a University, a 'reasonable price' (i.e not millions of dollars) What I have found so far (and have quotes from) are: Highborn Technology: Rebuilt pattern generators NEOS Technologies: Laser Photoplotters Both of these sell machines that do what we want to do at a reasonable price. (If you want info on these companies, please contact me) I am looking for other companies who make or rebuild similar machines. I have heard 'rumours' that there are a number of companies making laser photoplotters for use in PCBs and can be used for wafers. However, I can only find hints of these companies on the web or in buyers guides. Anyone know any others out there ? Ken Westra Director, MicroFab University of Alberta kwestra@ualberta.ca