Dear Colleague, Why don't you use Ti/Ni or Cr/Ni? Ni alone will not adhere to glass or quartz well. Jun-Bo Yoon Hyuk-Jeen Suh wrote: > I am having a problem that I hope some of you can help me with. I > evaporate a thin seed layer of Ni on top of a quartz glass and then I > electroplate a thick layer (15microns) of Ni on top of the Ni seed layer. > When I heat the sample up (450C), the Ni peels off of the quartz. Is this > due to the fact that Ni inherently doesn't stick to quartz or is it due to > stress? I have also used Ti/Cu as a seedlayer but the Ti/Cu seedlayer > peels off of the electroplated Ni. If anyone could give me some > DETAILED advice on this, I would greatly appreciate it. > > Hyuk-Jeen Suh > >