Behraad Bahreyni, The following is a recipe that I used to succesfully etch V-grooves in 100 type silicon wafers with oxide as a mask layer. Volume of Water - 1000ml Volume of Isopropyl Alcohol - 250 ml (i.e. 25 % of volume of Water) 20% KOH (204.4 gms) Temperature of solution was maintained at 80 degrees celsius. Your best source of reference would be a two - part paper titled "Anisotropic Etching of Crystalline Silicon in Alkaline Solutions" by H.Seidel, L Csepregi, A.Heuberger, H. Baumgartel in the Journal of Electrochem. Soc Vol 137 No.11 November 1990. They have a neat table for different concentration of KOH solution, at different tempertaure for 100 , 110 and 111 silicon. The etch rate of 86 microns / hour in the 100 direction was observed to be consistent with the results from the paper. Another paper would be "Anisotropic etching of Silicon" by Kenneth E. Bean in IEEE transactions on Electron Devices, October 1978. Good luck Satish Prabhakaran Graduate Research Associate Thayer School of Engineering Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 Telephone: 603-646-3225