durusmail: mems-talk: Re: Circular Silicon diaphragms
Re: Circular Silicon diaphragms
Re: Circular Silicon diaphragms
Dirk Zielke
 Dear  Ninad,
>From my point of view, it is not possible to create a total circulare
etch hole with KOH etching. There are some compensation stuctures,
which round the corners a little bit, but you will got some rough
steped side wall planes. I mean, that only the 45 degree 100-plane is
usable for stress reduction on sharp 111-corners .

Some examples and tests for this problem  you can also find under our
simulation examples for SIMODE

With kind regards

> Dear Colleagues,
> I am designing a Si piezoresistive pressure sensor to be utilized to
> measure pressures of the order of 5 MPa. I have approached the problem
> from the conventional method using a Wheatstone bridge. The wafers used
> will be <100> wafers and the membrane is made by anisotropically back
> etching using KOH so that the <111> planes form the walls.
> My problems and corresponding questions are:
> 1) I am limited by the magnitudes of sensitivities that I can achieve.
> These are between 1-10 microV/V per mm Hg while typical pressure sensors
> for lower pressure measurement applications have sensitivities atleast an
> order of magnitude larger. I cannot make the device more sensitive by
> increasing the side (square diaphragms) or the radius (circular
> diaphragms) or by reducing the thickness of the membrane since either of
> these three actions would cause the maximum stress at the edge of the
> membrane to exceed the rupture stress.
> How should one physically modify the sensor ?
> 2) It is commonly known (ref. Sooriakumar et all) that sharp corners in
> square diaphragms cause stress concentration factors of the order of 30 or
> more. What value should one use for the fracture stress of Si if one were
> designing CIRCULAR DIAPHRAGMS. Petersen suggests 7000 MPa while 300 MPa is
> what is used for square diaphragms.
> Any input or reference to a source would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Ninad
> Purdue University
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
>                             Christo! Ergo sum.
> nInad sHiNde
> 918 Hawkins                                           offiCe: rm # 320
> w. lafAyeTte                                                  me  blDg
> iN 47906-3572
> U.S.A.
> pH @ 765-495-7092 (hoMe)                           @ 765-494-8610 (offIce)
> URL:http://widget.ecn.purdue.edu/~shinden
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Dirk Zielke
Zwickauer Str. 227
09116 Chemnitz
Tel.: +49 371 3377 131
Fax.: +49 371 3377 272
email: info@gemac-chemnitz.de
http://www.gemac-chemnitz.de (Deutsch)
http://www.gemac-chemnitz.de/mst/mst_eng.htm (English)
