I am etching a microfluidics channel into Corning 2947 soda lime glass using a 1:1 mixture of (BOE 6:1) : (BOE 10:1) from Baker. The etch profile is unpredictable, often with strange crystal-like bumps within the etched channel. These bumps are definitely glass, not salt. No amount of rinsing or cleaning removes it. Can anyone explain the strange etch phenomenon in this picture? http://neuron.chem.psu.edu/particulates_or_what.jpg This channel was etched (unagitated) for 24 minutes in the above etch mixture. The depth of etch is ~10µm, and the crystal-looking features are raised bumps, measuring up to 6-8µm in height. I use a gold/chrome sacrificial layer to mask the etch, and I am certain that all the resist/masking was sufficiently removed where the bumps are before etching. Can anyone help? I have asked everyone in our cleanroom, but nobody knows. They don't use soda lime. Thank you for helping! Drew Manica