Mechanical properties of silicone rubber in a closed volume. O'Hara, G. P. Large Caliber Weapon Syst. Lab., Army Armament Res. Dev. Cent., Watervliet, NY, USA. Avail. NTIS. Report (1983), (ARLCB-TR-83045, SBI-AD-E440224; Order No. AD-A138129), 21 pp. From: Gov. Rep. Announce. Index (U. S.) 1984, 84(11), 129. Abstract An expt. to measure the mech. properties of four samples of RTV silicone rubber is reported. The test was conducted under conditions of small strains and an elevated hydrostatic pressure component of stresses (0-4000 psi). The results gave a Young's modulus in the range of 13,000 to 21,000 and a Poisson's ratio range of 0.48 to 0.49. The Young's modulus values were much higher than the usual tensile values; however, calcn. of bulk modulus gave values within the accepted range. rm At 03:56 AM 2/23/01 -0800, Ebin Liao wrote: >Dear MEMS colleagues: > >Is there anyone who can tell me the poission's ratio >of any silicone rubber? Thanks! > >Best regards, > >Liao ebin > >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices! >