durusmail: mems-talk: About pressure in anodic bonding
About pressure in anodic bonding
About pressure in anodic bonding
Chang-Hwan Choi

First, I want to ask about the contacting pressure in
the anodic bonding. I have read some paper saying that
mechanical pressure would not be so important in
anodic bonding. But, other paper say that high
pressure to press wafers would be important.
Dose pressure matter much in anodic bonding? If then,
how much pressure is needed?

Secondly, I tried bonding Pyrex with a-Si layer which
was from PECVD. But, I could not get a bonding. I know
that some people bonded Pyrex with a-Si or Poly-Si
layer which was from LPCVD. But, I would like to use
PECVD deposited a-Si layer. Is there someone who has a
experience of anodic bonding between pyrex to a-Si
layer from PECVD? Is it possible to get a bond between
pyrex to a-Si layer from PECVD anyway?


Best Regards,

Chang-Hwan Choi
Brown University
Division of Engineering, Box D
182 Hope Street, Providence, RI 02912, U.S.A.
Tel: (401)351-3915(H), (401)863-3011(O)   Fax: (401)863-9028
Email: chchoi@rocketmail.com
URL: http://myhome.naver.com/4chchoi

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