durusmail: mems-talk: Re: mems-talk digest, Vol 1 #18 - 3 msgs AU DEPOSITION
Re: Glass Etching
Re: mems-talk digest, Vol 1 #18 - 3 msgs AU DEPOSITION
Re: mems-talk digest, Vol 1 #18 - 3 msgs AU DEPOSITION
Edwin Jager
Dear Arti,

You do need an adhesion layer for thermal evaporation of Au. A thin 30-50 Å
layer of Cr or Ti will work.



>Message: 2
>Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 13:37:12 -0500
>From: apatel43 
>To: mems-talk@memsnet.org
>Subject: [mems-talk] gold deposition
>I want to deoposit a layer of gold on silicon wafers, but I'm not sure if I
>need to deposit an adhesion layer such as a layer of chrome underneath.  If
>so, could you let me know if approximately 250 angstroms of chrome would be
>sufficent? Also, what thickness of gold would you suggest be depositied for
>onto a micro-electrode array.
>Arti Patel
>Research Assistant/Graduate Student
>University of Illinois at Chicago
>Department of Bioengineering
>851 S. Morgan St. (m/c 063)
>Chicago, IL 60607

dr. ir. Edwin W.H. Jager                      phone: +46-13-288914
Div. of Applied Physics, IFM                GSM: +46-733-601490
Linköpings universitet                          fax: +46-13-288969
581 83 Linköping                                email: edjag@ifm.liu.se
