.** *** JVIG@etdl167 > I measured the etch rate of several materials in XeF2 Kirt, have you, by any chance, looked at what happens to quartz crystals (i.e., single crystal SiO2) in XeF2? We've done a lot of work on etching quartz crystals in various etchants, but not yet in XeF2. (The week after next, we'll be reporting the results of our experiments on exposing quartz to anhydrous HF gas, at the IEEE Frequency Control Symposium, in Honolulu - further info on the FCS, including the program and all the past abstracts, can be found at http:// bul.eecs.umich.edu/~uffc/uffc_fc.html .) The etching of quartz is highly dependent on the etchant used, so we'd be very interested in finding out what XeF2 does to quartz. We'd be happy to send you some AT-cut and SC-cut wafers, in case you are interested in trying it. .......................................John. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John R. Vig U. S. Army Research Laboratory Attn: AMSRL-PS-ED Ft. Monmouth, NJ 07703-5601, U.S.A. Telephone: 908-427-4275, FAX: 908-427-4805 Internet: JVig@ARL.mil DSN: 987- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>