Arch David wrote: > > What performance range are you interested in? This has a significant impact > on the price prediction? > _______________________________________________________________________________ > From: mems@ISI.EDU on May 23, 1996 11*47 -N > Subject: Cost of Silicon pressure sensors > To: MEMS@ISI.EDU > > Hi: > > I have recently become interested in this field. I have read some > articles on the technology including the reviews in MEMS Newsletters > (April and July 1994). I understand that the cost/price of a pressure > sensor has decreased significantly over the last decade, however, I have > not come across any quantitative information including future > price prediction. Is it available? Can someone provide a quantitative > trend on price vs. time? Thanks. > > Prasad > > > > Hi Arch: Thanks for taking time to answer. My question was of generel nature -- but for specific cost comparison perhaps one could look at blood pressure sensor, or MAP sensor, or air bag accelerometer (even though this would be differrent from thin-diaphragm pressure sensor), since these products are now mass produced. I would think that these examples would provide a good idea of how the cost curve would look like for a successful high volume product. Prasad