durusmail: mems-talk: very uniform surface of elctroplated Nickel ?
very uniform surface of elctroplated Nickel ?
RE: Need 3" Si wafers
very uniform surface of elctroplated Nickel ?
Mike Mattes

My experience indicates that there are two relatively easy things to do:

1. Lower the current, which will make plating slower, but smoother.
2. Use pulse-plating with a short negative pulse to knock off the peaks. (This
is probably the same technique that Patrick Cheung called

Finding the optimum settings, however, could take some effort.

Best Regards

>>> pcheung@parc.xerox.com 01/22/02 02:53PM >>>

I was told about a procedure called Reverse-electroplating that
takes advantage of the properties that high points erode faster
to smooth out a metal coating. However, I have not personally
tried that procedure so I cannot say to what extent it
performs. You can research in that direction to see if you can
use it.

Good luck,

Patrick Cheung, research scientist         PARC, MS 35-1674
(O) 650-812-4338 (FAX) 650-812-4334   3333 Coyote Hill Road
pcheung@parc.xerox.com                  Palo Alto, CA 94304
           "pcheung can mems, and so can you!"
>>                                                       >>

On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, [iso-8859-1] sou zou wrote:

> From: "[iso-8859-1] sou zou" 
> To: "mailing list (MEMS talk)" 
> Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 05:00:33 PST
> Subject: [mems-talk] very uniform surface of elctroplated Nickel ?
> Hi folks !
> I am looking for some advices to get a very uniform surface
> of nickel electroplated layers (especially on silicon).
> Through my bibliography research, it seems that the trick is
> mainly to get an uniform current density across the coated
> surface (parallel current lines). The problem is the resist
> pattern wich does'nt allow to obtain that kind of strictly
> vertical current lines. Does anyone has an ingenious idea or
> a good web address to help me overcoming such a problem,
> please ?
> Thank you in advance,
> sz
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