Spin-coatable teflon is known as Teflon AF. It is available from DuPont only. Jesse Fowler UCLA/MAE Dept., 420 Westwood Plaza, Room 37-129, ENGR IV Los Angeles, CA 90095-1597 | (310)825-3977 "Battery is safe if not provoked." -- _Batteries in a Portable World_ ----- BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK ----- Version 3.1 GE/S$ d- s:- a- C+ UL P L++ E- W+ N+@ !o K++ w !O M !V PS+ PE++(-) Y PGP-- t++@ 5++ X R+ !tv b++ DI+ D G e++/*>++++/* h---/* r+++ y+++ ------ END GEEK CODE BLOCK ------ On Mon, 13 May 2002, Xuchun Liu wrote: > Hello, everyone, > > Does anyone have experience on teflon spin-coating > before? I just wonder what product it is and what is > the name of the vender in US. Thank you very much in > advance! > > Bert > LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience > http://launch.yahoo.com > _______________________________________________ > mems-talk@memsnet.org mailing list: to unsubscribe or change your list > options, visit http://mail.mems-exchange.org/mailman/listinfo/mems-talk > Hosted by the MEMS Exchange, providers of MEMS processing services. > Visit us at http://www.mems-exchange.org/