Hi, we recently purchased CoventorWare and we would like to submit some MUMPS designs. The problem is that, as far as I know, there is not any MUMPS Design Kit for Coventor at least available trhough Europractice. Anyone knows what would I need in order to build functional MUMPS designs with Coventor? Is there any way to perform an automatic design rule check? Thanks for your help Jorge Ammrola ********************************************************* Jorge Ammrola Sanz Electronic Engineering Department Semiconductor Devices Group (GDS) UPC-Campus Nord, C5 C/Jordi Girona, 1-3 E-08034 Barcelona SPAIN Phone: + 34 93 401 68 76 Fax: + 34 93 401 67 56 e-mail: amirola@eel.upc.es *********************************************************