durusmail: mems-talk: MUPS design kit for Coventor
MUPS design kit for Coventor
MUPS design kit for Coventor
we recently purchased CoventorWare and we would like to submit some
MUMPS designs.
The problem is that, as far as I know, there is not any MUMPS Design Kit
for Coventor at least available trhough Europractice.
Anyone knows what would I need in order to build functional MUMPS
designs with Coventor?
Is there any way to perform an automatic design rule check?
Thanks for your help

Jorge Ammrola

Jorge Ammrola Sanz
Electronic Engineering Department
Semiconductor Devices Group (GDS)
UPC-Campus Nord, C5
C/Jordi Girona, 1-3
E-08034 Barcelona
Phone: + 34 93 401 68 76
Fax:   + 34 93 401 67 56
e-mail: amirola@eel.upc.es
