durusmail: mems-talk: Etching another microchannel on a facet of a larger existing microchannel
Etching another microchannel on a facet of a larger existing microchannel
Etching another microchannel on a facet of a larger existing microchannel
Danny Klein
Hello mems-talk members,

I'm trying to establish a way to etch a few long parallel micro-channels on a
facet of a larger existing microchannel.
If someone knows of a way to manufacture according to that idea or have seen an
article dealing with that idea please let me know.

Thank you in advance,

Danny Klein.

Danny Klein
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa, 32000

Tel (Lab.): 972-4-8292946(3861)
Email: dannykl@tx.technion.ac.il

