I want to Cu plate small pillar/buttons, about 50um X 50um, onto Al on a simulated CMOS chip. The idea is to test plate onto an Al coated SiO2/Si wafer, with an oxide mask to define the plating area. The problem is/will be getting good adhesion and electrical conductivity between the Cu and Al. The Al surface will need to be clean/deoxidized to achieve this. Commercial processes for doing this look rather agressive and include some unfortunate chemicals. Has anybody done this? and how did they prepare the Al surface without compromising any CMOS (which is protected by an oxide/Al/oxide film) or does anyone have any ideas? Thanks Alan W Dr Alan Wilson Defence Science and Technology Organization, Australia on attachment to the Center for Integrated Systems, Room 206X, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305-4075, USA. E'mail: alan@sensors.stanford.edu (alan.wilson@dsto.defence.gov.au) Tel (+1 415) 725 1682 Fax (+1 415) 725 9020