patching is probably not going to work. The patch up doesn't happen until get_publisher on the Site happens to be called which normally doesn't happen until Site.start_web has already been entered. If you add a self.get_publisher() call to Site.__init__ to force it earlier, then "assert get_publisher().get_site().get_name () == self.get_name()" in Site.get_publisher blows up via Site.get_sites since Site.get_publisher assumes only one publisher being referenced per process. I threw in the towel on that. Generally speaking, I'm not convinced that the method interface to Site isn't already generic enough to be used by many types of Site implementations. In fact, I think that interface should be *required* of all Site implementations. If so, then bin/qp and for instance bin/ tqp should really only differ in one line of functionality: an import statement. However, I also believe that the Site to use should not be chosen by the management tool. That decision should be in the implementation; i.e. slash.qpy. Once you have made that decision, then I think moving run_web to the Publisher just forces unnecessary work on the developer. start_web in the customized site already knows all the details of what needs to be done to start a twisted web application. Also, making this choice conveniently gets rid of the issue of start_web in the Site and run_web in the Publisher both needing to coordinate whether or not to behave as a standalone application. So, here's what I've got working. I changed get_sites to the following: def get_sites(klass): """() -> {name:str : site:Site} Note that this is a method of the class. It returns an index of all of the installed sites. """ sites_package= import_object(klass.sites_package_name) sites_directory = sites_package.__path__[0] names = [name for name in listdir(sites_directory) if (isdir(join(sites_directory, name)) and '.' not in name)] sites = {} for name in names: m = import_object("%s.%s.slash" % (klass.sites_package_name, name)) if hasattr(m, "Site"): sites[name] = m.Site(name) else: sites[name] = Site(name) return sites And I have this in slash.qpy: .... from qp.hub.twistedhub import TwistedSite Site = TwistedSite class SitePublisher (Publisher): configuration = dict( http_address=('', 8001), ) .... I also have a suitable which has a TwistedSite class with just one method so far: a twisted specific start_web. I still have more integration and cleanup to do, but this basic approach is working. At least "bin/qp -s echo start" works and the demo is reachable from a web browser. Dave On Apr 12, 2006, at 8:12 AM, David Binger wrote: > > On Apr 12, 2006, at 3:09 AM, mario ruggier wrote: > >> [comments on customizing the Site] > > In my mind, the Site class captures all of the firm expectations > of your site management tool. In a very real sense, it *is* the > site management tool. The qp/bin script just gives it command > line operability. The main difference between QP and Quixote > is that QP provides one firm set of decisions about how > sites are configured and arranged. The QP Site class > implements this set of decisions. > > If you are using a different Site class, you are using a > different command line tool. I recognize that that might > be necessary for some people, but I don't see a compelling > reason for the qp/bin tool to try to dynamically adapt to every > possible situation. > > Still, if you really must go this way, with only minor changes > in the Site class, you can change the Site import in a copy > of the bin/qp script, and there is a good chance your script > will work. > > > > > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > QP mailing list > >