durusmail: qp: How to know a Publisher's context
How to know a Publisher's context
Re: How to know a Publisher's context
How to know a Publisher's context
David Binger
On Apr 25, 2006, at 5:32 AM, mario ruggier wrote:

> is there any way to know, during Publisher initialization, things
> about the context it is being created in?
> Specifically, is this Publisher instance being created as an SCGI
> sub-process, or is it the one for the built-in stand-alone http
> server? This could be determined from a request's info, as SCGI
> sets a request variable, but need to know it at init time, i.e.
> before any request.

I can't think of anything in QP that does this for you.
I wonder what it is about the Publisher that you want to
be different between these two contexts.
