* Michael Watkins wrote on [2007-09-17 14:08:50 -0700]: > I'd started out with my u8 or h8 template instance as an attribute of a > Template class. Works well, but I decided I wanted to expose more methods of > u8/h8, enough to make me want to subclass u8. I ran into problems with certain > methods of u8/h8 (the binary methods): I'd left that prior message hanging around unsent for some time for a reason - wasn't all that sure that I wanted to go down the road of subclassing u8/h8, and for the purpose I have in mind, I later decided I don't need to. However slippery fingers caused the draft email to be sent anyway - please disregard. (although I suppose someone somewhere might want to subclass u8/h8 - heads up still in order)