* David K. Hess wrote on [2007-10-15 15:27:17 -0500]: > I've attached a modification of the echo demo to demonstrate this > idea. It would be nice if this was just as doable if not easier with > a new version of qpy. The performance of course is terrible when > validating so you would never do this in production. Also, there is > probably some re-factoring that could/should be done. Another approach would be to crawl through the site; Dulcinea has a tool for validating HTML that might also be of interest: In the current version: http://www.mems-exchange.org/software/dulcinea/Dulcinea-0.17.tar.gz/Dulcinea-0.1 7/lib/ui/page_loader.py http://www.mems-exchange.org/software/dulcinea/ Different than what David proposes I realize, just pointing it out for list readers. I seem to recall that Dulcinea (I believe it was Dulcinea, not QP) once had a per-request HTML tidy-based validation / output formatter mechanism once upon a time as well. Mike