durusmail: qp: ANN: Evoque - managed eval-based templating
ANN: Evoque - managed eval-based templating
ANN: Evoque - managed eval-based templating
Tristan Short

I am at the 'get my head around it' stage with gz. Trying a few things
out and prototyping a web app (as a hobbyist not a pro). If it were not
for gz I would use native qp for sure, as I know it and like it lots.
However, the gz build-upon to qp provides things that native qp does
not, like linking spec to Mochikit to deliver client side form
validation, and Directory security, etc.  gz makes technical choices
that I am happy with (like qp did with Durus) especially if it saves me
a few days / weeks / months coding (I am a novice with little to no time
to roll-my-own: my LOC rate is very low).

My interest in asking when gz is going to get evoque is purely to know
if I should continue to use gz as it is for my web app or wait a little
given that a new gz release may be around the corner. However, having
read your email it sounds like wider changes may be afoot and further
out than the next couple of weeks.  So for me it is more important you
make the next gz release a proper full release to fit all your
requirements rather than an interim release to satisfy any curiosity I
might have. Given my lack of time, a polished gz is more important than
(quickly) answering the question how evoque works with gz.

The doc on using evoque with qp shows how simple (and brilliant) the qp
design is, and, I guess, also how straight forward the evoque interface
is. I am looking forward to downloading the next version of gz. I need
those bells and whistles...
