I've noticed some conversation on the python-dev list about pylint not
yet for py3k. We have a baby pylint in the QPY package that does work
in py3k.
It is called "qpcheck.py", and we use it all the time here to help
keep our
code in shape.
Specifically, qpcheck.py checks .py and .qpy files under a directory
for imported names
that are not actually used, and for names that are not explicitly
or defined. The "unused" names are not so bad, but we usually
like to remove them. Sometimes, especially in package __init__.py,
these "unused"
imports are intentional. In these cases, in our code, we just "use"
those names
in some passive way that lets the checker know that these names really
be here. qpcheck.py also detects syntax errors.
The "undefined" names are usually programming mistakes for us, since we
never use "*" imports or other tricky namespace changes. Note that
qpcheck.py does not check that imports are valid, and it does not check
methods or attributes at all.
I just ran qpcheck.py, using python3.0, on the current (revision 69741)
of the py3k standard library and filtered the output with "grep
The results are below. I doubt if all of these are really bugs that
fixing, but I know that some of these are errors.
If you haven't tried running qpcheck.py on your code, you might like
to try it.
I'd be interested to know how it goes.
- David
.../xmlrpc/client.py (311, in DateTime.make_comparable): 'unicode' is
.../xmlrpc/client.py (971, in getparser): 'SlowParser' is undefined.
.../webbrowser.py (518, in WindowsDefault.open): 'WindowsError' is
.../urllib/request.py (2243, in proxy_bypass_registry): 'WindowsError'
is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3895, in switchpen): 'isdown' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3905, in demo1): 'backward' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3921, in demo1): 'width' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3925, in demo1): 'up' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3931, in demo1): 'down' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3943, in demo1): 'tracer' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3947, in demo1): 'left' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3948, in demo1): 'forward' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3949, in demo1): 'right' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3956, in demo2): 'st' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3959, in demo2): 'distance' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3964, in demo2): 'write' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3966, in demo2): 'undo' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3967, in demo2): 'reset' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3969, in demo2): 'colormode' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3971, in demo2): 'pencolor' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3972, in demo2): 'pensize' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3977, in demo2): 'fillcolor' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3992, in demo2): 'color' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3993, in demo2): 'speed' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3994, in demo2): 'begin_fill' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3996, in demo2): 'circle' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (3999, in demo2): 'rt' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4000, in demo2): 'end_fill' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4001, in demo2): 'lt' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4002, in demo2): 'pu' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4003, in demo2): 'fd' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4004, in demo2): 'pd' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4005, in demo2): 'shape' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4007, in demo2): 'getturtle' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4023, in demo2): 'setheading' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4023, in demo2): 'towards' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4040, in demo2.baba): 'clearscreen' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4041, in demo2.baba): 'bye' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4045, in demo2): 'undobufferentries' is undefined.
.../turtle.py (4054, in GLOBAL): 'exitonclick' is undefined.
.../trace.py (252, in CoverageResults.write_results): 'calls' is
.../test/test_xmlrpc.py (339, in SimpleServerTestCase.tearDown):
'stop_serving' is undefined.
.../test/test_xmlrpc.py (359, in SimpleServerTestCase.XXXtest_404):
'httplib' is undefined.
.../test/test_with.py (112, in
FailureTestCase.testNameError.fooNotDeclared): 'foo' is undefined.
.../test/test_weakref.py (1085, in
MappingTestCase.test_weak_keyed_cascading_deletes.C.__eq__): 'objs' is
.../test/test_warnings.py (398, in _WarningsTests.test_onceregistry):
'__warningregistry__' is undefined.
.../test/test_unittest.py (2000, in
'MyException' is undefined.
.../test/test_unicode_file.py (138, in
TestUnicodeFiles._test_equivalent): 'file' is undefined.
.../test/test_trace.py (73, in no_pop_blocks): 'bla' is undefined.
.../test/test_threadsignals.py (71, in test_main): 'signal_blackboard'
is undefined.
.../test/test_threaded_import.py (54, in test_main): 'N' is undefined.
.../test/test_tempfile.py (130, in
test__RandomNameSequence.supports_iter): 'failOnException' is undefined.
.../test/test_sys.py (226, in
SysModuleTest.current_frames_with_threads.f123): 'g456' is undefined.
.../test/test_ssl.py (913, in ThreadedTests.testSTARTTLS): 'conn' is
.../test/test_sort.py (159, in
TestBugs.test_undetected_mutation.mutating_cmp): 'L' is undefined.
.../test/test_scope.py (89, in
'global_nest_x' is undefined.
.../test/test_scope.py (251, in
ScopeTests.testLambdas..): 'global_x' is undefined.
.../test/test_scope.py (271, in
ScopeTests.testUnboundLocal.errorInInner.inner): 'y' is undefined.
.../test/test_scope.py (580, in ScopeTests.testListCompLocalVars): 'bad'
is undefined.
.../test/test_scope.py (599, in
ScopeTests.testFreeingCell.Special.__del__): 'nestedcell_get' is
.../test/test_richcmp.py (200, in MiscTest.test_misbehavin.Misb.__ne__):
'TestFailed' is undefined.
.../test/test_raise.py (296, in TestContext.test_reraise_cycle_broken):
'xyzzy' is undefined.
.../test/test_platform.py (115, in PlatformTest.test_libc_ver):
'executable' is undefined.
.../test/test_os.py (584, in Win32ErrorTests.test_mkdir): 'test_support'
is undefined.
.../test/test_os.py (590, in Win32ErrorTests.test_chmod): 'WindowsError'
is undefined.
.../test/test_multiprocessing.py (1533, in
_TestSharedCTypes.test_sharedctypes): 'ctypes' is undefined.
.../test/test_multiprocessing.py (1536, in
_TestSharedCTypes.test_sharedctypes): 'Array' is undefined.
.../test/test_multibytecodec_support.py (102, in
TestBase.test_callback_wrong_objects.myreplace): 'ret' is undefined.
.../test/test_minidom.py (1302, in MinidomTest.testPickledDocument):
'statck' is undefined.
.../test/test_math.py (233, in MathTests.testCopysign): 'copysign' is
.../test/test_long.py (504, in LongTest.test_misc): 'TestFailed' is
.../test/test_long.py (543, in LongTest.test_auto_overflow.checkit):
'expected' is undefined.
.../test/test_long.py (543, in LongTest.test_auto_overflow.checkit):
'got' is undefined.
.../test/test_long.py (695, in
LongTest.test_mixed_compares.Rat.__init__): 'val' is undefined.
.../test/test_listcomps.py (290, in test_main): 'test_genexps' is
.../test/test_index.py (181, in
OverflowTestCase.test_getitem.GetItem.__len__): 'sys' is undefined.
.../test/test_import.py (387, in
RelativeImport.test_issue3221.check_relative): 'ns' is undefined.
.../test/test_gettext.py (151, in
GettextTestCase1.test_the_alternative_interface): '_' is undefined.
.../test/test_gettext.py (153, in
GettextTestCase1.test_the_alternative_interface): 'lgettext' is
.../test/test_generators.py (1003, in conjoin.gen): '_gen3' is undefined.
.../test/test_gc.py (423, in GCTests.test_bug1055820b.callback): 'WRs'
is undefined.
.../test/test_gc.py (527, in
GCTogglingTests.test_bug1055820d.D.__del__): 'c2wr' is undefined.
.../test/test_funcattrs.py (237, in empty_cell.f): 'a' is undefined.
.../test/test_ftplib.py (397, in
TestIPv6Environment.test_transfer.retr.callback): 'received' is
.../test/test_exceptions.py (66, in ExceptionTests.testRaising):
'undefined_variable' is undefined.
.../test/test_exceptions.py (276, in ExceptionTests.testAttributes):
'WindowsError' is undefined.
.../test/test_exceptions.py (427, in
ExceptionTests.testExceptionCleanupState.inner_raising_func): 'obj' is
.../test/test_exceptions.py (558, in
ExceptionTests.test_3114.MyObject.__del__): 'e' is undefined.
.../test/test_dummy_threading.py (38, in DummyThreadingTestCase.setUp):
'sema' is undefined.
.../test/test_dummy_threading.py (40, in DummyThreadingTestCase.setUp):
'mutex' is undefined.
.../test/test_dummy_threading.py (42, in DummyThreadingTestCase.setUp):
'running' is undefined.
.../test/test_docxmlrpc.py (47, in server): 'socket' is undefined.
.../test/test_dict.py (91, in DictTest.test_getitem.BadEq.__eq__): 'Exc'
is undefined.
.../test/test_dict.py (628, in DictTest.test_resize2.X.__eq__):
'resizing' is undefined.
.../test/test_dict.py (629, in DictTest.test_resize2.X.__eq__): 'd' is
.../test/test_descr.py (953, in ClassPropertiesAndMethods.test_slots):
'TestFailed' is undefined.
.../test/test_descr.py (2816, in
ClassPropertiesAndMethods.test_pickles): 'C1' is undefined.
.../test/test_descr.py (2828, in
ClassPropertiesAndMethods.test_pickles): 'C2' is undefined.
.../test/test_descr.py (2840, in
ClassPropertiesAndMethods.test_pickles): 'C3' is undefined.
.../test/test_descr.py (2849, in
ClassPropertiesAndMethods.test_pickles): 'C4' is undefined.
.../test/test_descr.py (2849, in
ClassPropertiesAndMethods.test_pickles): 'C4classic' is undefined.
.../test/test_descr.py (2906, in
ClassPropertiesAndMethods.test_pickle_slots): 'B' is undefined.
.../test/test_descr.py (2906, in
ClassPropertiesAndMethods.test_pickle_slots): 'E' is undefined.
.../test/test_descr.py (3261, in
ClassPropertiesAndMethods.test_funny_new.C.__new__): 'D' is undefined.
.../test/test_descr.py (3854, in
...test_vicious_descriptor_nonsense.Evil.__eq__): 'C' is undefined.
.../test/test_capi.py (143, in test_main.TestThreadState): '_thread' is
.../test/inspect_fodder2.py (59, in with_comment): 'world' is undefined.
.../test/inspect_fodder.py (14, in eggs): 'fr' is undefined.
.../test/inspect_fodder.py (14, in eggs): 'st' is undefined.
.../test/bad_coding2.py (1, in GLOBAL): '' is undefined.
.../pydoc.py (762, in HTMLDoc.docclass.spilldata): 'mdict' is undefined.
.../poplib.py (285, in POP3.apop): 'secret' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (79, in IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK):
'IN6_ADDR_EQUAL_L' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (81, in IN6_SET_ADDR_LOOPBACK):
'IN6_ADDR_COPY_L' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (124, in htonl): '__htonl' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (126, in ntohl): '__ntohl' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (128, in htons): '__htons' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (130, in ntohs): '__ntohs' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (162, in remque): 'REMQUE' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (440, in CYCLES_SINCE): 'CYCLES' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (440, in CYCLES_SINCE): 'CYCLES_BETWEEN' is
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (482, in ATOMIC_INT_READ): '_ATOMIC_INT_READ'
is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (492, in FSPIN_TRYLOCK): 'DISABLE' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (494, in FSPIN_UNLOCK): 'ENABLE' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (522, in LOCK_PLMIN): 'LOCK' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (524, in TRYLOCK_PLMIN): 'TRYLOCK' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (526, in LOCK_SH_PLMIN): 'LOCK_SH' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (528, in RW_RDLOCK_PLMIN): 'RW_RDLOCK' is
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (530, in RW_WRLOCK_PLMIN): 'RW_WRLOCK' is
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (534, in SPIN_IS_LOCKED): 'B_FALSE' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (540, in crhold): 'crholdn' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (542, in crfree): 'crfreen' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (546, in str_aligned): 'uint' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (597, in TIME_OWNED_R): 'B_TRUE' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (601, in TICKS_SINCE): 'TICKS' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (601, in TICKS_SINCE): 'TICKS_BETWEEN' is
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (617, in PROCESSOR_UNMAP): 'engine' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (638, in STRM_MYENG_PUTCNT): 'STRM_PUTCNT' is
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (638, in STRM_MYENG_PUTCNT): 'l' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (718, in straln): 'caddr_t' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (718, in straln): 'sizeof' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (832, in CANPUT): 'canput' is undefined.
.../plat-unixware7/IN.py (834, in CANPUTNEXT): 'canputnext' is undefined.
.../plat-sunos5/TYPES.py (88, in UINT32_C): 'u' is undefined.
.../plat-sunos5/TYPES.py (94, in INTMAX_C): 'l' is undefined.
.../plat-sunos5/TYPES.py (96, in UINTMAX_C): 'ul' is undefined.
.../plat-sunos5/TYPES.py (98, in INTMAX_C): 'll' is undefined.
.../plat-sunos5/TYPES.py (100, in UINTMAX_C): '__CONCAT__' is undefined.
.../plat-sunos5/TYPES.py (100, in UINTMAX_C): 'ull' is undefined.
.../plat-os2emx/IN.py (10, in ntohl): '_swapl' is undefined.
.../plat-os2emx/IN.py (14, in ntohs): '_swaps' is undefined.
.../plat-netbsd1/IN.py (19, in __IPADDR): 'u_int32_t' is undefined.
.../plat-netbsd1/IN.py (27, in IN_MULTICAST): 'IN_CLASSD' is undefined.
.../plat-netbsd1/IN.py (56, in in_nullhost): 'INADDR_ANY' is undefined.
.../plat-linux2/TYPES.py (62, in __ASMNAME): '__ASMNAME2' is undefined.
.../plat-linux2/TYPES.py (62, in __ASMNAME): '__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__' is
.../plat-linux2/TYPES.py (66, in __attribute_format_arg__):
'__format_arg__' is undefined.
.../plat-linux2/TYPES.py (152, in __FDELT): '__NFDBITS' is undefined.
.../plat-linux2/IN.py (62, in __ASMNAME): '__ASMNAME2' is undefined.
.../plat-linux2/IN.py (62, in __ASMNAME): '__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__' is
.../plat-linux2/IN.py (66, in __attribute_format_arg__):
'__format_arg__' is undefined.
.../plat-linux2/IN.py (217, in IN_BADCLASS): 'in_addr_t' is undefined.
.../plat-linux2/DLFCN.py (62, in __ASMNAME): '__ASMNAME2' is undefined.
.../plat-linux2/DLFCN.py (62, in __ASMNAME): '__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__' is
.../plat-linux2/DLFCN.py (66, in __attribute_format_arg__):
'__format_arg__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (40, in __aligned): '__aligned__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (42, in __section): '__section__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (44, in __nonnull): '__nonnull__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (48, in __predict_false): '__builtin_expect' is
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (54, in __format_arg): '__attribute__' is
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (54, in __format_arg): '__format_arg__' is
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (58, in __RCSID): '__rcsid_' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (60, in __RCSID_SOURCE): '__rcsid_source_' is
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (62, in __SCCSID): '__sccsid_' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__CONCAT' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__IDSTRING' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__LINE__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__copyright_' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (135, in __ntohl): '__bswap32' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (137, in __ntohs): '__bswap16' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (297, in IN_LOCAL_GROUP): 'u_int32_t' is
.../plat-freebsd8/IN.py (386, in in_nullhost): 'INADDR_ANY' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (40, in __aligned): '__aligned__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (42, in __section): '__section__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (44, in __nonnull): '__nonnull__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (48, in __predict_false): '__builtin_expect' is
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (54, in __format_arg): '__attribute__' is
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (54, in __format_arg): '__format_arg__' is
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (58, in __RCSID): '__rcsid_' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (60, in __RCSID_SOURCE): '__rcsid_source_' is
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (62, in __SCCSID): '__sccsid_' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__CONCAT' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__IDSTRING' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__LINE__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__copyright_' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (135, in __ntohl): '__bswap32' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (137, in __ntohs): '__bswap16' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (297, in IN_LOCAL_GROUP): 'u_int32_t' is
.../plat-freebsd7/IN.py (386, in in_nullhost): 'INADDR_ANY' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (40, in __aligned): '__aligned__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (42, in __section): '__section__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (44, in __nonnull): '__nonnull__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (48, in __predict_false): '__builtin_expect' is
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (54, in __format_arg): '__attribute__' is
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (54, in __format_arg): '__format_arg__' is
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (58, in __RCSID): '__rcsid_' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (60, in __RCSID_SOURCE): '__rcsid_source_' is
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (62, in __SCCSID): '__sccsid_' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__CONCAT' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__IDSTRING' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__LINE__' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (64, in __COPYRIGHT): '__copyright_' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (141, in __ntohl): '__bswap32' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (143, in __ntohs): '__bswap16' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (299, in IN_BADCLASS): 'u_int32_t' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd6/IN.py (369, in in_nullhost): 'INADDR_ANY' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd5/IN.py (139, in IN_BADCLASS): 'u_int32_t' is undefined.
.../plat-freebsd4/IN.py (139, in IN_BADCLASS): 'u_int32_t' is undefined.
.../plat-atheos/TYPES.py (61, in __ASMNAME): '__ASMNAME2' is undefined.
.../plat-atheos/TYPES.py (61, in __ASMNAME): '__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__' is
.../plat-atheos/TYPES.py (72, in __FDELT): '__NFDBITS' is undefined.
.../plat-atheos/IN.py (61, in __ASMNAME): '__ASMNAME2' is undefined.
.../plat-atheos/IN.py (61, in __ASMNAME): '__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__' is
.../plat-atheos/IN.py (309, in __FDELT): '__NFDBITS' is undefined.
.../plat-atheos/IN.py (521, in PAGE_ALIGN): 'PAGE_MASK' is undefined.
.../plat-atheos/IN.py (521, in PAGE_ALIGN): 'PAGE_SIZE' is undefined.
.../plat-atheos/IN.py (547, in kfree): '__kfree' is undefined.
.../plat-atheos/IN.py (547, in kfree): 'kassertw' is undefined.
.../plat-atheos/IN.py (558, in _D_ALLOC_NAMLEN): '_D_EXACT_NAMLEN' is
.../plat-atheos/IN.py (564, in dirfd): '_DIR_dirfd' is undefined.
.../plat-atheos/IN.py (687, in CMSG_ALIGN): 'sizeof' is undefined.
.../plat-aix4/IN.py (84, in BAT_ESEG): 'uint' is undefined.
.../pickletools.py (1887, in optimize): 'prevarg' is undefined.
.../multiprocessing/reduction.py (89, in _get_listener): '_lock' is
.../multiprocessing/reduction.py (98, in _serve): '_listener' is
.../multiprocessing/forking.py (272, in Popen.terminate): 'WindowsError'
is undefined.
.../multiprocessing/connection.py (331, in PipeClient): 'WindowsError'
is undefined.
.../multiprocessing/connection.py (414, in XmlClient): 'xmlrpclib' is
.../mimetypes.py (323, in _default_mime_types): 'suffix_map' is undefined.
.../mimetypes.py (324, in _default_mime_types): 'encodings_map' is
.../mimetypes.py (325, in _default_mime_types): 'types_map' is undefined.
.../mimetypes.py (326, in _default_mime_types): 'common_types' is
.../logging/config.py (321, in listen.ConfigStreamHandler.handle):
'isinstancetype' is undefined.
.../logging/__init__.py (767, in StreamHandler.emit): 'unicode' is
.../lib2to3/tests/test_refactor.py (107, in
'diff_lines' is undefined.
.../lib2to3/pgen2/pgen.py (178, in ParserGenerator.make_dfa.closure):
'addclosure' is undefined.
.../importlib/_bootstrap.py (383, in _PyFileLoader.load_module):
'path_sep' is undefined.
.../importlib/_bootstrap.py (397, in _PyFileLoader.source_mtime): '_os'
is undefined.
.../importlib/_bootstrap.py (407, in _PyFileLoader.get_source): 'name'
is undefined.
.../importlib/_bootstrap.py (435, in _PyFileLoader.write_bytecode):
'errno' is undefined.
.../importlib/_bootstrap.py (499, in _PyFileLoader.get_code): 'marshal'
is undefined.
.../importlib/_bootstrap.py (505, in _PyFileLoader.get_data): '_fileio'
is undefined.
.../importlib/_bootstrap.py (568, in FileImporter.find_module):
'_case_ok' is undefined.
.../importlib/_bootstrap.py (569, in FileImporter.find_module):
'_warnings' is undefined.
.../importlib/_bootstrap.py (701, in ImportLockContext.__exit__): 'imp'
is undefined.
.../importlib/_bootstrap.py (807, in _import): 'sys' is undefined.
.../importlib/__init__.py (38, in _reset__import__):
'original__import__' is undefined.
.../idlelib/run.py (207, in exit): 'no_exitfunc' is undefined.
.../idlelib/PathBrowser.py (92, in main): 'mainloop' is undefined.
.../idlelib/ClassBrowser.py (218, in main): 'mainloop' is undefined.
.../ftplib.py (727, in Netrc.__init__): 'macro_lines' is undefined.
.../email/test/test_email_torture.py (131, in test_main): 'support' is
.../email/base64mime.py (116, in decode): 's' is undefined.
.../distutils/tests/test_cmd.py (69, in GLOBAL): 'test_support' is
.../distutils/cygwinccompiler.py (77, in get_msvcr): 'msc_Ver' is
.../dbm/__init__.py (123, in whichdb): 'ndbm' is undefined.
.../ctypes/__init__.py (456, in WinError): 'WindowsError' is undefined.
.../binhex.py (450, in hexbin): 'FSSpec' is undefined.