On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:44 AM, Ernesto Adorio wrote: > Thanks David, > > After experimenting a lot of times, the final template which worked for me was > > LoadModule scgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_scgi.so > >> AddDefaultCharset utf-8 > ServerName www.proto.mydomain > ServerAlias mydomain proto > > # handle all requests throug SCGI > SCGIMount /scgi/ > > > Surprisingly, the service is accessed through http://www.proto.mydomain/scgi/ That's the way SCGIMount is supposed to work. > > Change proto, mydomain to the actual values. > > It is working, with correct presentation of the pages, but I wonder > why /scgi/ works and /dynamic > does NOT. I think the SCGIMount directive really expects to get a trailing slash on that argument. > I am wondering how to remove the /scgi/, but I can live with that. Try this: SCGIMount / > > Will continue to experiment. >