durusmail: quixote-users: [Micropatch] implement TextWidget "wrap" attribute
[Micropatch] implement TextWidget "wrap" attribute
[Micropatch] implement TextWidget "wrap" attribute
[Micropatch] implement TextWidget "wrap" attribute
[Micropatch] implement TextWidget "wrap" attribute
Emacs python-mode for .ptl
Dave Kuhlman (2 parts)
[Micropatch] implement TextWidget "wrap" attribute
Greg Ward
On 18 November 2002, Jonathan Corbet said:
> The documentation and the source for the TextWidget class both promise a
> "wrap" attribute, which does the obvious thing in the rendered HTML.  They
> lie, however.  It kind of looks like nobody quite got around to
> implementing it.  So I finished the job...

Actually, it looks like Neil deliberately removed it back in March:

  revision 1.17
  date: 2002/03/04 23:50:16;  author: nascheme;  state: Exp;  lines: +14 -15
  HTML cleanups with an eye on XHTML compliance.

(It was never removed from the docs though -- oops.)

I guess 'wrap' is not in the XHTML spec.  Too bad, it's useful for
browsers that support it.  Not all browsers do, unfortunately, so you
still have to magically divine where to break lines in a