durusmail: quixote-users: [Quixote-users] User class for Quixote
User class for Quixote
FastCGI, Apache, Windows, Bad Combo?
[Quixote-users] User class for Quixote
Jim Dukarm
It is true that limiting the number of Users and setting security
levels are matters of site policy, but they are such common issues
that I thought it worthwhile to build them in. Both features are
defaulted in the constructors so that they can simply be ignored if
not wanted.

Jim Dukarm

> On 21 November 2002, Jim Dukarm said:
>> My User and UserManager classes (attached) are pretty lightweight and
>> might be the right sort of thing for Quixote. I just revised them,
>> using some tricks from Quixote's Session and SessionManager to make
>> them more friendly to subclassing.
>> The UserManager, like the SessionManager, can be initialized with any
>> kind of mapping for storage - persistent or not - of User instances.

> Ooh, I like it when someone uses my good ideas in ways that had not
> occurred to me.  I quite like SessionManager's persistence non-model
> (ie., DIY and here's how) -- no reason it shouldn't work for users.
> Nice!

>> The maximum allowable number of Users can also be specified.

> Why?  That sounds like a local policy decision (not just the maximum
> number, but the very idea of limiting the number of users in the
> system).

>> As written, the User keeps its password in encrypted form. By
>> subclassing User and overriding the _encrypt method, you can keep the
>> password as open text, if desired.

> Hmmm, that might be the right way to do it.  I'd still like Quixote to
> provide a plaintext password version of User for sites that value the
> ability to mail existing passwords back to users, but the more secure
> version should be the default.

>> The User has an integer security level, which is useful for
>> discriminating between, say, read-only users, data-entry users, and
>> admin users.

> That's definitely policy.  I lean towards a model where every user has a
> set of orthogonal privileges -- but again, that's site policy and does
> not really belong in Quixote.

>         Greg
