durusmail: quixote-users: Building a community
Building a community
Building a community
Tom Jenkins
Hello all,
Well I played around with quixote some New Years Day.  It was quite fun
and more importantly didn't have any "magic"; I knew why it was doing
what it was doing (while in Zope I still have moments where i go "whaaaa?")

One thing I like about Zope is the community.  One of my coworkers
designed and runs zopelabs.com.  Its a fantastic resource where zopistas
can submit snippets, tips, etc.  I'd love to see a cookbook for quixote.
  Hrmmmm... that would be an interesting project, taking Adam's cookbook
code and making a quixotelabs.org  or drlaguna.org (look it up!).

I'm sure all of us have similar wants and are approaching the same
problems in different manners.  It would be good, for those who want to,
to have a place to share ideas and such.  For example, one thing i
really like in Zope is the getUser() call.  This will load the user info
from the db into a user instance.  we use exUserFolder and store our
users in postgresql.  Now where or how would i do that in quixote.
Granted I think I can do it, but what if someone already has that done?
  What about persistent database connections?  What's the best way to
manage this?

Well I may be rambling here and trying to see what others think


Tom Jenkins
Development InfoStructure
