I know you guys tend not to like HTML template languages, but lately
I've found one that has really impressed me. It's the wt (web template)
language from jonpy (http://jonpy.sourceforge.net/), which is Yet Another
web application framework for Python.
wt is a very simple but powerful template language which is implemented
in jonpy in about 5K of Python code. It does not embed Python, or any
programming language for that matter, inside HTML. Instead, it introduces
two new constructs: placeholders and sectoins. To give you an idea of
how it works, here's a wt template for a Web page that lists open bugs
in a bug tracking system, in a file called "bugs.html":
View Open Bugs
View Open Bugs
ID |
Reporter |
Assigned To |
Summary |
$$id$$ |
$$reporter$$ |
$$assigned_to$$ |
$$summary$$ |