durusmail: quixote-users: Any users of mod_python got configs they'll share??
Any users of mod_python got configs they'll share??
Any users of mod_python got configs they'll share??
Any users of mod_python got configs they'll share??
Greg Ward
On 22 January 2003, Ken Kennedy said:
> I'd like for /blog to be handled kenzoid.blog._q_index(), bookmarks
> similarly, etc. As of now, though, I'm not having much success. For
> example, /blog seems to be passing through to Quixote, but then
> failing:
> The requested link does not exist on this site. If you arrived here by
> following a link from an external page, please inform that page's
> maintainer.
> Page not found: /blog/

Does kenzoid/__init__.py have a _q_exports containing 'blog' and
'bookmark'?  (I'm sure it does, or you wouldn't have gotten very far
with plain CGI.)

Does your application config file set

?  Doing so should make this error message more useful.  (Although I
don't remember how you setup an app config file with mod_python...)

Also, make sure that you set DEBUG_LOG in the config file and enable
logging.  Then sprinkle print statements at module-level in your various
kenzoid/__init__.py, kenzoid/blog/__init__.py, etc. (or is it
kenzoid/blog.py -- whatever) to see what's getting imported when.

You might also add some print statements to Quixote's code --
specifically Publisher in publish.py.  That way you'll really get to
know the guts of Quixote, lucky boy.  ;-)

(If you can't get logging to work, print to stderr -- should wind up in
Apache's error log.)

Greg Ward - software developer                gward@mems-exchange.org
MEMS Exchange                            http://www.mems-exchange.org
