I have a dictionary called "interface". One of its fields is a list called
"services". A PTL tries to index its first element, like this:
If the PTL is of the [plain] type, it all works, but the HTML comes out all
quoted. Look at the first half of the attached log.
If the PTL is of the [html] type, which is what I use in all the rest of the
application, I get a:
TypeError: unindexable object
because Quixote changes the type of the interface["services"] list to:
(traceback in the second half of the log), and PrettyPrint does non
understand it's a list anymore, either.
I gave a look to _py_htmltext.py , but cannot quite grok what those
metaclass hacks intend. :^)
All of this with v.0.6b1 (and SCGI v.0.5).
"Python is the Beatles of programming languages."
Aaron K. Johnson on comp.lang.python
Nicola Larosa - nico@tekNico.net
{'bgColor': '#e8e8e8',
'description': 'blackwidow.example.com',
'icon': 'redBall.gif',
'ipv4': '',
'lastWarning': 'Date - Time',
'numServices': 10,
'services': [{'statusCSS': 'TableText', 'name': 'ssh'},
{'statusCSS': 'TableText', 'name': 'http'},
{'statusCSS': 'TableText', 'name': 'https'},
{'statusCSS': 'TableText', 'name': 'printer'},
{'statusCSS': 'TableText', 'name': 'mysql'},
{'statusCSS': 'TableText', 'name': 'x11'}],
'traffic': 'x%'}
{: '#e8e8e8',
'description': 'blackwidow.example.com',
'icon': 'redBall.gif',
'ipv4': '',
'lastWarning': 'Date - Time',
'numServices': 10,
'services': [{'statusCSS': 'TableText', 'name': 'ssh'}, {'statusCSS':
'TableText', 'name': 'http'}, {'statusCSS': 'TableText', 'name': 'https'},
{'statusCSS': 'TableText', 'name': 'printer'}, {'statusCSS': 'TableText',
'name': 'mysql'}, {'statusCSS': 'TableText', 'name': 'x11'}],
'traffic': 'x%'}
[2003-01-27 13:46:11] exception caught
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/python/lib/python2.2/site-packages/quixote/publish.py", line 660,
in publish
output = self.process_request(request, env)
File "/opt/python/lib/python2.2/site-packages/quixote/publish.py", line 642,
in process_request
output = self.try_publish(request, env.get('PATH_INFO', ''))
File "/opt/python/lib/python2.2/site-packages/quixote/publish.py", line 590,
in try_publish
output = object(request)
File "/home/nl/Araknos/aKab/aKab/Web/hostUI.ptl", line 361, in view
self._interfaces(request, params)
File "/home/nl/Araknos/aKab/aKab/Web/hostUI.ptl", line 254, in _interfaces
service = interface["services"][0]
TypeError: unindexable object