I'm fascinated by REST and I'm fascinated by FSMs (finite state machines). I also want to find ways to implement complex processes in a REST-ful way. My belief is that a possible path to a solution for this problem goes through FSMs, specifically translating a complex business process into an FSM and then implementing the FSM in a REST-ful style. So, I've created and documented several models or patterns for implementing FSMs in a REST-ful style. The examples are built for and run on top of Quixote. You can find my document and examples at: http://www.rexx.com/~dkuhlman/fsm_howto.html I'm very interested in any comments about whether I have suceeded in following "the REST way" and in any other suggestions. Thanks in advance. - Dave -- Dave Kuhlman dkuhlman@rexx.com http://www.rexx.com/~dkuhlman