durusmail: quixote-users: demo_scgi.py and demo_scgi_session.py
demo_scgi.py and demo_scgi_session.py
demo_scgi.py and demo_scgi_session.py
Nicola Larosa
Looks like the demo_scgi.py file is missing the line

       publisher_class = DemoPublisher

at line #28. Currently the DemoPublisher class is defined, but not used.

Also, the example showing the usage of mod_scgi in Quixote, in the doc file
web-server.txt, line #189, could be fleshed out a bit, and spun off in a
dedicated file as demo_scgi_session.py, or whatever.

It's the only place where there's a hint about the combined usage of
sessions and mod_scgi, and looks a bit short-handed.

"Python is the Beatles of programming languages."
   Aaron K. Johnson on comp.lang.python

Nicola Larosa - nico@tekNico.net
