When evaluating a URL component while in the _q_getname of an object, and then returning self to get to the next one, it would be nice to know from which part of the URL is the current component. It cannot always be unambiguously determined by checking the PATH_INFO in the request, because the path could be something like /comp/comp/comp, with the same string appearing more than once. Yes, not necessarily that silly. :^) Currently one needs to keep a counter in the object, but this is fragile and error-prone. A way to get such info would be to keep the current index in the path_components loop of the Publisher.traverse_url method, at line #547 of publish.py . Such an index could then be passed in the call to self.get_component at line #551, and finally passed to the call of container._q_getname, at line #460 of the same file. I don't know how this could be done without breaking every Quixote-based application in existence, but it seems it could be really handy. Maybe a config option? In summary, a piece of info Quixote has, that cannot be easily and reliably reconstructed after the fact, is begging for freedom. Let's help it! ;^) -- "Python is the Beatles of programming languages." Aaron K. Johnson on comp.lang.python Nicola Larosa - nico@tekNico.net