durusmail: quixote-users: REST and Quixote and FSM
What's needed to get filesystem-mapping module into Quixote 0.6?
REST and Quixote and FSM
What's needed to get filesystem-mapping module into Quixote 0.6?
REST and Quixote and FSM
Juan David Ibáñez Palomar
I haven't finished to read the article, but as I don't know
when I will do (travels, work, etc..) I prefer to make a
suggestion right away.

Look at the module flux (http://sf.net/projects/lleu). I
developed it for workflow (which maybe is a synonym of
business process). Basically it lets to describe a digraph
and to associate actions to states and transitions via
the Python introspection features. Very simple, very
pythonic, maybe it will be useful for you, I will welcome
your feedback.

Best regards,

Dave Kuhlman wrote:

>I'm fascinated by REST and I'm fascinated by FSMs (finite state
>machines).  I also want to find ways to implement complex processes
>in a REST-ful way.  My belief is that a possible path to a solution
>for this problem goes through FSMs, specifically translating a
>complex business process into an FSM and then implementing the FSM
>in a REST-ful style.
>So, I've created and documented several models or patterns for
>implementing FSMs in a REST-ful style.
>The examples are built for and run on top of Quixote.
>You can find my document and examples at:
>    http://www.rexx.com/~dkuhlman/fsm_howto.html
>I'm very interested in any comments about whether I have suceeded
>in following "the REST way" and in any other suggestions.  Thanks
>in advance.
>  - Dave

J. David Ibáñez, http://www.j-david.net
Software Engineer / Ingénieur Logiciel / Ingeniero de Software
