You don't (or can't) use mod_scgi for Apache 1.3, but still want to use SCGI for your Quixote app? Help is here! I've written a CGI script (in C) that acts as a proxy to a SCGI server. It's based on Neil's mod_scgi code. Get it at . I've tested the speed with Apache 1.3 and Apache 2, and on my machine (a 1.3 GHz Athlon) it serves requests in about twice the time that mod_scgi does -- but still much faster than using a Python script for CGI. It does require some modifications to the QuixoteHandler used by quixote (since CGI scripts set PATH_INFO, while mod_scgi doesn't); see the quixote/ directory in the source for that works with this and mod_scgi. -- |>|\/|< /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |David M. Cooke |